Dark Matter Staff
Dev Tracker
Posts the Trove developers have made that mention "Dark Matter Staff"
Posts the Trove developers have made that mention "Dark Matter Staff"
Hotfix 10/31/14
Avarem / Trove Forums
Preview: mer, Black M.A.C.E, Vexing Vectorblade, and Dark Matter Staff models have been updated Show
* Fixed a crash caused by visual effects on mobs with special abilities. (should fix many Shadow Arena and dungeon crashes)
* Fixed crash when spawning body parts that don't exist
* Fixing bug with 1 star displayed on every stat.
* Fixing 'unknown' stat issue in Forge
* Your flask is now refilled after respawning in the Shadow Arena.
* Fixed a Shadow Arena bug where players who die after completing the arena don't respawn
* The number of members in a club has been capped at 600. Our largest club is currently about 450, so there's still plenty of room to expand.
* Fixed an issue with the Mansion dungeon in the Highlands spawning its boss chest at the bottom of a column of dirt.
* Ranged NPCs now attack less frequently and strafe more slowly.
* Club cards are now on the Crafting Bench
* Second pass of Crafting and Collections UI optimization
* New Highlands lair from Artycutie.
* New Neon City lair from Derekxec.
* Neon City robots should now drop trophies that match their new looks.
* The Techtronic Hammer, Black M.A.C.E, Vexing Vectorblade, and Dark Matter Staff models have been updated to better match the Neon City biome
* We have introduced a small known issue with the Neon Ninja in this patch where the number of VFX circles may not match the number of stars you have stored - we wanted to fix these other issues before the weekend and this is part of an in-progress change to make this type of ability work more broadly (it's so we can add candy to the Barbarian that sugars up everyone who plays with them).